2017 Sauk River Targeted Feedlot Water Quality Reduction Project
This project will address nutrient impairments of the Sauk River and Sauk River Chain of Lakes (SRCL) by minimizing runoff from 5 high priority feedlots. Specifically, contaminated runoff from 5 feedlots upstream of the SRCL will be eliminated. The sites were prioritized based on the Minnesota Feedlot Annualized Runoff Model index ratings and the location of these feedlots are within a Drinking Water Supply Management Areas. In addition to eliminating the runoff, a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan will also be completed for each site prior to construction to help identify sensitive features and proper manure application.
See http://www.bwsr.state.mn.us/aboutbwsr/index.html
Annie Felix-Gerth
$10,187,000 the first year and $10,188,000 the second year are for grants to protect and restore surface water and drinking water; to keep water on the land; to protect, enhance, and restore water quality in lakes, rivers, and streams; and to protect groundwater and drinking water, including feedlot water quality and subsurface sewage treatment system projects and stream bank, stream channel, shoreline restoration, and ravine stabilization projects. The projects must use practices demonstrated to be effective, be of long-lasting public benefit, include a match, and be consistent with total maximum daily load (TMDL) implementation plans, watershed restoration and protection strategies (WRAPS), or local water management plans or their equivalents. A portion of these funds may be used to seek administrative efficiencies through shared resources by multiple local governmental units.
200 pounds of phosphorus/year
This project has resulted in an estimated annual reduction of 967 pounds of BOD5, 4350 pounds of COD, 2440000000000000 CFUs fecal coliform, 242 pounds of Nitrogen, and 82 pounds of Phosphorus. They completed projects on 4 farms.