2017 Rush Lake/Goose Lake TMDL Implementation Program
Goose, East and West Rush Lakes are not meeting state water quality standards due to excessive phosphorus. These are three of the worst lakes in Chisago County in terms of water quality, yet also some of the most heavily used lakes for recreation. The quality of the water in the St. Croix River is directly influenced by the poor quality water leaving East Rush, West Rush, and Goose Lakes. The goal of this project is to reduce watershed phosphorus loading to the lakes by at least 20 pounds per year by implementing 20 best management practices directly targeting high priority areas identified a significant contributing sources of phosphorus.
See http://www.bwsr.state.mn.us/aboutbwsr/index.html
Annie Felix-Gerth
$10,187,000 the first year and $10,188,000 the second year are for grants to protect and restore surface water and drinking water; to keep water on the land; to protect, enhance, and restore water quality in lakes, rivers, and streams; and to protect groundwater and drinking water, including feedlot water quality and subsurface sewage treatment system projects and stream bank, stream channel, shoreline restoration, and ravine stabilization projects. The projects must use practices demonstrated to be effective, be of long-lasting public benefit, include a match, and be consistent with total maximum daily load (TMDL) implementation plans, watershed restoration and protection strategies (WRAPS), or local water management plans or their equivalents. A portion of these funds may be used to seek administrative efficiencies through shared resources by multiple local governmental units.
20 pounds of phosphorus/year
This project has resulted in an estimated annual reduction of 314.36 pounds of Phosphorus, 342.94 tons of Sediment, and 475.79 tons of Soil Loss.