2017 Red Lake County Multipurpose Drainage Management Grant
Red Lake River currently does not meet state water quality standards due to high amounts of sediment. For this project, the Red Lake County Soil and Water Conservation District will continue to work cooperatively with the Red Lake County Ditch Authority, and the landowners to reduce erosion and sedimentation into Judicial County Ditch 66. Judicial County Ditch 66 outlets into Cyr Creek which outlets directly into the Red Lake River. This project targets 22 sites for grade stabilizations or grassed waterway implementation and is estimated to reduce 640 tons of sediment being delivered to the Red Lake River.
See http://www.bwsr.state.mn.us/aboutbwsr/index.html
Annie Felix-Gerth
$750,000 the first year and $750,000 the second year are for technical assistance and grants for the conservation drainage program in consultation with the Drainage Work Group, coordinated under Minnesota Statutes, section 103B.101, subdivision 13, that includes projects to improve multipurpose water management under Minnesota Statutes, section 103E.015.
640 tons of sediment /yr
19 multipurpose drainage management practices were installed on Judicial County Ditch 66 which resulted in an estimated annual reduction of 310 tons of Sediment being delivered to the Red Lake River.