2017 Lower MN River Targeted Water Quality Practices Installation
This project builds on the momentum and success of previous Clean Water Fund grants in making significant non-point source pollution reductions that address state-identified turbidity, excess nutrient and dissolved oxygen impairments of the Lower Minnesota River and points downstream. These water quality improvements will be achieved by constructing high-value, cost-effective conservation best management practices in Scott County directly tributary to the Minnesota River. Practices are anticipated to include: grade control structures, waterways, water and sediment control basins, filter strips, native grasses/prairie, and stream/channel stabilization.
See http://www.bwsr.state.mn.us/aboutbwsr/index.html
Annie Felix-Gerth
$10,187,000 the first year and $10,188,000 the second year are for grants to protect and restore surface water and drinking water; to keep water on the land; to protect, enhance, and restore water quality in lakes, rivers, and streams; and to protect groundwater and drinking water, including feedlot water quality and subsurface sewage treatment system projects and stream bank, stream channel, shoreline restoration, and ravine stabilization projects. The projects must use practices demonstrated to be effective, be of long-lasting public benefit, include a match, and be consistent with total maximum daily load (TMDL) implementation plans, watershed restoration and protection strategies (WRAPS), or local water management plans or their equivalents. A portion of these funds may be used to seek administrative efficiencies through shared resources by multiple local governmental units.
7,250 tons of sediment/year and 6670 lbs of phosphorus/year
This project has resulted in an estimated annual reduction of 418.73 pounds of Phosphorus, 400.83 tons of Sediment, 781.3 tons of Soil Loss, and 14.4 acre-feet of Volume Reduced. They did install 20 projects, however achieved less than the proposed Water Quality (WQ) benefits. Additional pollution reduction parameters were also reported for installed practices including soil (est. savings/yr) & volume reduction (ac-ft/yr) benefits.