Priority Assessments
Completion of priority assessments to aid in implementing future projects. Three possible assessments have been identified for further consideration. The first is a subwatershed assessment in the South Fork Rush Creek subwatershed in Corcoran, which is adjacent to the previously completed Rush Creek Headwaters SWA. This would identify mainly agricultural BMPs for implementation in partnership with Hennepin County. The second is a feasibility assessment of re-meandering the outlet of Diamond Lake to Diamond Creek, which was identified in the Diamond Creek SWA. The third is a feasibility assessment of re-meandering North Fork Rush Creek adjacent to Stieg Woods in Rogers, a 20 acre high quality maple-basswood forest remnant being acquired by the city for preservation. North Fork Rush Creek has numerous impairments and has been straightened and ditched through this area. Three Rivers Park District plans a regional trail extension adjacent to the site.
Annie Felix-Gerth
2019: (a) $13,591,000 the first year and $13,375,000 the second year are for performance-based grants with multiyear implementation plans to local government units. The grants may be used to implement projects that protect, enhance, and restore surface water quality in lakes, rivers, and streams; protect groundwater from degradation; and protect drinking water sources. Projects must be identified in a comprehensive watershed plan developed under the One Watershed, One Plan or metropolitan surface water management frameworks or groundwater plans. Grant recipients must identify a nonstate match and may use other legacy funds to supplement projects funded under this paragraph. 2021: (a) $21,197,000 the first year and $22,367,000 the second year are for performance-based grants with multiyear implementation plans to local government units. The grants may be used to implement projects that protect, enhance, and restore surface water quality in lakes, rivers, and streams; protect groundwater from degradation; and protect drinking water sources. Projects must be identified in a comprehensive watershed plan developed under the One Watershed, One Plan and seven-county metropolitan groundwater or surface water management frameworks as provided for in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 103B, 103C, 103D, and 114D. Grant recipients must identify a nonstate match and may use other legacy funds to supplement projects funded under this paragraph. This appropriation may be used for:
(1) implementation grants to watershed planning areas with approved plans, including but not limited to Buffalo-Red River, Cannon River, Cedar River, Clearwater River, Des Moines River, Hawk Creek, Lac qui Parle Yellow Bank, Lake of the Woods, Lake Superior North, Le Seuer River, Leech Lake River, Long Prairie River, Lower Minnesota River North, Lower Minnesota River West, Lower Minnesota River South, Lower St. Croix River, Marsh and Wild Rice, Middle Snake Tamarack Rivers, Mississippi East, Mississippi River Headwaters, Mississippi West, Missouri River Basin, Mustinka/Bois de Sioux, Nemadji River, North Fork Crow River, Otter Tail, Pine River, Pomme de Terre River, Red Lake River, Redeye River, Root River, Rum River, Sauk River, Shell Rock River/Winnebago Watershed, Snake River, South Fork Crow River, St. Louis River, Thief River, Two Rivers Plus, Vermillion, Watonwan River, Winona La Crescent, Yellow Medicine River, and Zumbro River; (2) seven-county metropolitan groundwater or surface water management frameworks; and (3) other comprehensive watershed management plan planning areas that have a board-approved and local-government-adopted plan as authorized in Minnesota Statutes, section 103B.801.
The board may determine whether a planning area is not ready to proceed, does not have the nonstate match committed, or has not expended all money granted to it. Upon making the determination, the board may allocate a grant's proposed or unexpended allocation to another planning area to implement priority projects, programs, or practices.
Identification of potential BMPs in the South Fork Rush Creek subwatershed, with estimates of TSS and TP removals and costs, ranked by cost-effectiveness. A feasibility study of one or both stream re-meandering projects.